As Expected, German Trade Surplus Has Just Hit A Record High


Following the beginning in the weakening of the Euro that started in June, German Trade surplus hit a record high in July: now we know that even Berlin needs a more accomodative monetary policy, but the whole picture seems a bit “stuck”

German trade surplus hit in July, a new record high for Berlin.

This follows the weakening of the Euro that started in June and, since this “devaluation” is ongoing, we expect Germany to hit new record highs in trade surplus in the following months.

But let’s take a look at the data, here is what German official data look like:

Larger view of graphic "Foreign trade (special trade)"

And here is what a our deeper analysis show:

trade balance germany

Do you see the problem ? Shall we zoom in on the red area ?

trade balance ger2

You may enjoy this bonus chart:


Now you understand why we expect new record high trade surplus readings in the following months for Germany.


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