

Euro: The Greek Negotiation Cannot Go On Forever

Today, for the very first time, the Greek government showed some sign of weakness: eventually, Varoufakis & Tsipras will have to please Germany or walk out of the Euro system Well well well, it seems…


The Only Reason Why Europe Will Have A QE Program

We’re sick and tired to hear alleged “experts” talk about the fact that Germany would have given up on Draghi to start the Quantitative Easing program, it’s time to understand that Berlin too needs some…


Germany: New Negative Yields on Government Bonds

The 5Y German bond yield is now negative: 2015 has just started and yet we have already had a wonderful evidence of the fact that the ECB is not acting as a central bank In…


Another Sad Picture From The Euro Area

No one, not even Germany, is doing good at the moment in the Euro Area: economic and political issues are threatening the invisble €-recovery Whatever Brussells is doing, it’s not working at all: Note that…


French Unemployment Crisis Is Not Stopping

As Hollande desperately tries to persuade Germany to have less austerity (spoiler: he won’t succeed, even though he could easily do that), French unemployed just reached a new record high François Hollande became president in…


Europe: Is Austerity A Serious Thing ?

It is now time for Berlin to realize that, at the moment, only Germany can afford to have austerity in its fiscal policy: all the other countries are just unable (or simply not willing) to…


German Factory Orders Are Collapsing

The economic slowdown in Germany is getting more and more serious: German factory orders fell by 5.7% between July and August (original publishing date 10/07/14) Here’s the scary picture of the day: -5.7% month-on month…