
Europe: It’s Official, The tLTRO Was A Huge Flop

The second tLTRO did not work: it seems like the banks are not crazy about the concept of “helping the economy”, what did we expect ? “Don’t help the economy, help yourself” seems to be…


ECB: The tLTRO Was A Total Fail

Well well well, it turns out the epic tLTRO invented by the ECB was actually a huge fail, we really feared this would have happened (original publishing date: 09/19/14) Ok, it’s better to have tLTRO…


Perchè il tLTRO Della BCE Rischia Di Essere Un Flop

La ragione è semplicemente che in Europa non c’è una crisi di liquidità (almeno per ora), se qualcuno si aspetta un’esplosione dei prestiti concessi dalle banche alle aziende ed ai privati allora rischia di rimanere…


The Future Is Not Bright For Europe

In the following months, there’s not a single indicator pointing at a recovery in the Euro Area economy, and investor sentiment is crashing European financial markets surely look way healthier than its rotten “real” economy,…