

The Impressive Path Of Interest Rates From The 80s

Looking at a chart displaying the path followed by main interest rates in several economies, we realize how much the world in which we live has changed in 30 years There was a time in…


How The US Shale Industry May Fall Apart

After the big boom, we may be about to see the big fall: Goldman Sachs has built a scheme to understand which shale companies may fall apart before everyone else When it comes to answering…


The US Economy Is Close To Reach A Historical Result

The US economy is on the verge of achieving an unthinkable result: growing at a faster pace than the emerging markets Well, this is incredible, but we may be close to see the unthinkable: We…


US: It’s Time For Treasury Yields To Go Up

In 2014 US Treasury Yields went down because of the final part of the Quantitative Easing, but now that QE is over and funds rates are about to go up, it’s time for this trend…


Wall Street: It’s Time To Worry About Those Volumes

Lowest volumes since 2006 and new record-high for the stock market: Wall Street is preparing to crash and yet everyone keeps saying “this time is different” You cannot seriously believe those saying “this time is…


When Will The Fed Raise Rates ?

We think that the Federal Reserve will eventually raise its rates by the end of the first semester of 2015, but the market is still not sure about it (original publishing date: 12/26/14) If you…


Are Lower Oil Prices Good For The US Economy ?

JPM thinks that Texas may seriously risk a recession in 2015 because of lower oil prices, it seems the shale sector is being hit too JPM’s Michael Feroli has a very dark forecast for Texas:…

Stronger Dollar

US: The Reason Why The Recovery Is Not Over Yet

Just a fact: long-term unemployment in the US is not back to its pre-crisis level yet, and, frankly, we’re not even sure it will ever be (original publishing date: 12/01/2014) Well well well, here is…

Vladimir Putin at a navy parade in Severomorsk

Russia: Uncertainty Is Still At Dangerous Levels

The situation has never been that bad during the “Putin-era”, when will the political uncertainty fall back to a reasonable level ? The policy uncertainty index for Russia is brutal: The 2009 crisis was a…