

Let’s Face It: Austerity Can’t Work For Europe

Until the Euro Area will be stuck in this stagnation (or even recession) phase, it is completely insane to think of austerity as a possible way out of the crisis, the ratio debt/GDP will not…


German Factory Orders Are Collapsing

The economic slowdown in Germany is getting more and more serious: German factory orders fell by 5.7% between July and August (original publishing date 10/07/14) Here’s the scary picture of the day: -5.7% month-on month…


Is Italian Employment Ever Coming Back ?

Italian employment is looking really, really bad: how come Italy is, on a fairly regular basis, the European country with the worst economic news ever since the Euro crisis started ? Italy is now the…


The Future Is Not Bright For Europe

In the following months, there’s not a single indicator pointing at a recovery in the Euro Area economy, and investor sentiment is crashing European financial markets surely look way healthier than its rotten “real” economy,…


The Miserable European Construction Sector

Recovery for the EU is just not happening: just a quick glance at the latest data on the construction sector would be really, really depressing for anyone What Brussels needs to understand is that whatever…


Europe May Not Grow For A While

While some indicators (PMI, industrial production) may not work to forecast economic growth in the Euro Area, we still have one indicator we can trust, and this indicator is not giving us any good news…